Will of Adolph Schambach - 1750 - Philadelphia Co., PA
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I Volintine Shambach son of Audolph Shambach deced. Dorothy Shambach the widow having renounced Greeting Whereas The said Audolph Shambach in his life Time made a certain writing or Codicil under his Hand & Seal bearing date the 26th day of august in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred & fortynine purporting his Last Will & Testament a true Copy wherof is hereunto annexed but named no Executors thereof He the sd. deced. having whilst he lived & at the Time of his death divers Goods Chattels Rights & Credits within the said Province by means whereof the full disposition and Power of granting the administration of all and Singluar the Goods Chattels Rights & Credits which were of the said |
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said deced. within the sd. Province and also the auditing the accts. Calculacons & Rechkonings of the said administration & the Probation & approbation of the sd. Codicil to me is manifestly known to belong I desiring that the Goods Rights & Credits wch. were of the said Deced. may be well and truly adminstred to and the said writing or Codical have its due weight do hereby grant unto you the said Volintine Shambach for whose fidelity in this behalf I very much Confide full Power by the Tenor of these Presents to administer the Goods Chattels Rights & Credits which were of the said deced. within the said Province And also to ask Collect Levy recover & receive the Credits whatsoever of the said deced. wch. at the Time of his death were owing or to him did anyway belong and to Pay the Debts in wch. the said Deced. Stood obliged and the Legacies in the said Codicil mentioned so far forth as the sd. Goods Rights & Credits will Extend according to their rate & Order of Law Especially of well & truly administring the Goods Chattels Rights & Credits wch. were of the sd. deced. & making a true & perfect Inventory thereof and Exhibiting the same into the Regr. Genl.'s office at Philad. at or before the 3d. day of December next & rendring a true & just accot. Calculation or reckoning of the said administration at or before the 4th day of November Anno 1751 and I do by these Presents Ordain Constitute & Deputis you the said Volintine Shambach Administrator of all & singular the Goods Chattels Rights & Credits of the said deced. within the Limits afordsd. with the writing or Codicil aforsaid annexed Saving harmless & forever Indemnifying me & all other officers agst. all other Persons whatsoever by reason of Your administracon aforesaid & Saving to all others their Rights In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal of office at Philadelphia the 3d day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred & fifty Wm. Plumsted Regr. Genl. In the Name of God I Adolph Shambach of Philada. County Do make my Last will & Testament & that by my good understanding & sound memory & containing as follows Imprimis I give & bequeath unto my Second Son Volintine my Plantation with |
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with all the Improvements & Buildings thereon nothing Excepted for the only use and behoof of him and his Heirs so that none of his Brother & Sisters can make any Claim or Pretention on the same after my Death Item I will have that my Second Son Volintine shall pay unto my three other Children which I Issued with my Second wife besides my three Grandchildren of my first Daughter Elizabeth the wife of Jacob Jost the Sum of one hundred fifity five Pounds at the hereafter mentioned Terms Item I will if it happens that his mother over lives me my Son valentine shall pay the lawfull Interests of the above mentioned 155 £ unto her for her maintenance without any upbraiding and that so long as she goes by name but if she against Expectation should marry again she only is to have her lawfull Share viz. one Third part of all moveables & no more It. I will that the first Term of Payment shall begin one year after our Death & that without Interest vize my Son Valentine shall pay for the first Term 30 Pounds 10 £ therof he is to pay unto my Son John George, and 10 £ unto my Daughter (Catharine) & 10 £ unto my youngest Daughter Elizabeth, the next Second year after our Death shall my Son Valintine Pay 23 £ vize unto my Eldest Son George 11 £ unto my Daughter Catharine 5 £ unto my youngest Daughter Elizabeth 7 £ and so the following 4 years every year 23 £ according to the Division mentioned in the Second Term to pay unto his Brother & Sisters & all that without any Interest the whole Time of the Payments is extending to Six years the whole Sum of every ones shares is as followeth vize I bequeath unto my Son John George the Sum of Sixty five pounds unto my Daughter Catharina the Sum of Thirty five pounds, unto my youngest |
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youngest Daughter Elizabeth the sum
of forty five pounds and unto my three Grand Children the Children of
Jacob Yost the Sum of Ten Pounds wch. 10 £ shall be the Cash Payment
Payable in the seventh year after our death & 10 the whole Sum of 155
£ shall be paid down of my Son Valintine Justly & without any
objection All these above Presents I have with Sound Memory & good
understanding caused to put down in writing and I will have it kept and
Executed firm and inviolably I Testimony thereof I have in the presence of
the Subscribed Witnesses put my own Seal & Hand hereunto on the 26th
day of August in the year after the gracious Birth of our Lord Jesus
Christ 1749 Adolph (X) Shambach
Dirk (D) Casselbery, Christian weber Translated from the origl. in high German. Abraham Heiderich Philada. 3d November 1750 Then Psonally appeared Derick Caselbery & Christian weber witnesses to the foregoing Codicil & upon their Solemn affirmacon according to Law did declare they saw & heard Adolph Shambach the Testator therein named Sign, Seal, Publish & declare the said Codicil for & as his Last will & Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of Sound Mind Memory & understanding to the best of their knowledgeCorum. Wm. Plumsted Regr. Genl. |